
Dubai Sports City, 30-sec. TVC (MBLM)

I wrote and directed this TV commercial, as well as oversaw post-production editing.


Dubai Sports City, Corporate Video (MBLM)

I wrote and directed this video, as well as chose the stock video and audio and oversaw post-production editing.


Sports Village, Concept 30-sec. TVC (MBLM)

I wrote and directed this TV commercial, as well as chose the stock video and oversaw preliminary editing. (This version has yet to have the professional voice-over recorded and stock footage purchased).


DIFC, 10th Anniversary Video Series (MBLM)

I wrote and directed this video, as well as conducted the interviews and oversaw post-production editing.


One Central, Promotional Video (MBLM)

I wrote the script, chose the stock footage, directed the voice artist, coordinated with a graphic design company on the 3D renderings and oversaw post-production editing.


The Quarter, Concept Video (MBLM)

I wrote the script and coordinated with animators for the concept of the video and final animations. (This version has yet to have the professional voice-over recorded).


“Stay With Me” Music Video, (Kadence Guitars)

I wrote and directed this music video pro-bono and with no budget. A friend of mine in India owns a company that makes guitars and wanted a video to help promote his guitars and two musicians his company was sponsoring.